Thursday, May 27, 2010

God is So Faithful. many of you know from my posts the past few days, my car has decided to fail me at the worst time. I took it into the shop to get an oil change and have them look over a few things before I made my road trip to Texas to chaparone a high school retreat AND have 3 fundraisers! Well here was the verdict:

In order to "safely" drive to Texas I would need:
4 new tires
Rear AND front brakes
spark plugs
Fuel injection something or other
Leak in transmission
Power steering
some hose thats about to blow
among other things to the tune of $2500

If I wanted to have air conditioning on top of the grand total would be: $3400

Did I mention that my car is an 1988 Celebrity?
Did I mention that I just quit my job 3 days ago to do mission work in Canada?
Did I mention I'm raising support so that I CAN spend 2.5 months in Canada doing mission work?

I have to admit, my initial thought was panic and emotion..I cried, I got mad, I thought it was unfair...
And shortly after i released some tears I was reminded that God does not call us to any place where He has not gone before us. I truly have felt all along that this was the path God wanted me to take and now I should wait expectantly to see how HE would carve out the next step...AND HE HAS!!!!

There is a dear dear couple in Luverne that had once told me if I ever needed anything or needed a car to please call them without hesitation. I do not ask for help easily...At all. But God humbled me and I sent the email. Not only did they respond quickly, but generously.....
Yes...they had a truck I could yes, yes I was more than welcome to take it, they would get the oil changed, looked at, and i could use it for the 2.5 weeks I needed it. Transportation to Texas: CHECK

Great...Car in Luverne, I'm in do I get to it?
Well.....last night it was set it stone that my best friend Brian was definitely able to get off of work to spend the weekend with my family at a cabin in north Ga. I needed to get the truck in Luverne on tuesday, Brian was driving back to Montgomery on Monday and said he could take me to Luverne. Transportation to Luverne: CHECK do I get from luverne back to Savannah at the end of the trip?
Well, my DCCAM's have been wanting to come visit Savannah before I leave for Canada.. They would be coming from Luverne, so there is potential for a ride there, OR the lady from whom I'm borrowing the car said.."I have been known to make a quick trip to Savannah if needed."
Transportation to Savannah: In FAITH a CHECK.

I shared with you all of these details, because I think we all needed to be reminded that if God has ordained it, He WILL make sure it is carried out. We don't always know the how, when, or why, but we CAN TRUST that if we walk in His will and stay focused on Him, it will work together for good.

I truly believe that SATAN wanted to use this to discourage me. But the Lord quickly brought to mind the verse:

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Thank you God for the inconveniences in our life that end up bringing all GLORY to YOU.

Thanks to all of you who have prayed and offered encouragement.

With a renewed sense of trust in God's Plan and God's Timing,

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Death By Boxes

This is what I feel like today....Death by boxes.

I was supposed to be out on Wednesday...then it was I'm asking for next week. There just never seems to be enough time in the day to get everything done. Although...this time when I moved into this house I literally unpacked every box so I had a lot more work cut out for myself on the flip side. Bless my sweet precious friends in Luverne who have helped me haul items to storage, pack, and clean. I am down to one room....everything is in the front room and just needs to be cleaned out.

As I was cleaning, I started singing a Sara Groves song to myself and it really made me think....I guess because of some of the lyrics...turned some of my frustrating cleaning and packing time into a prayer time.

Here are the lyrics:

Help Me Be New by Sara Groves

God is doing a work in me
He's walking through my rooms and hails
Checking every corner
Tearing down the unsafe walls
And letting in the light

I am working hard
To clean my house and set it straight
To not let pride get in the way
To catch an eternal vision of
What I am to become

Will you help me be new
Will you hold me to the promises
That I have made
Will you let me be new
Forgive my old self and my old mistakes

It seems easier
Living out my life in Christ
For those who do not know me
To hide the thorns stuck in my side
And all my secret faults

But you know me well
And it's you I want the most to see
And recognize the changes
A word from you empowers me
To press on for my goal

When I feel condemned to live my old life
Remind me I've been given a new life in Christ

It is amazing that over the past few weeks I've started becoming frustrated with not being able to study the Word and journal as much as I want to. I definitely have a hunger for the Lord and His Word like never before. It's like a dating relationship when you just want to spend as much time as you can getting to know a person. That's how I feel about God right now.

He has given me such specific answers to prayers and such vivid dreams about situations in my life. Answers and dreams that I know are from Him because I'm been praying over them constantly.

2 prayer requests today:

1) That I'm able to find my sweet dog LuLu a home. It's becoming increasingly harder to think about letting her go...she has been by my side through everything. But I need the Lord to provide a good home for her in the next 3 days.

2) That I'm able to let go and relax the next couple of days. I get stressed....too easily. But....some of my girlfriends have had a beach trip planned for over a month. I thought I would be out of my house by now, and I can't cancel because my leaving prompted it as a time to hang out before I go. It is hard to go knowing I still am not completely "out" of the house and more cleaning awaits me upon my return...but I so desperately need a mental and emotional break. I love these ladies and they constantly make me laugh. They are truly a godsend group of girlfriends. Please pray that the Lord gives me a sense of peace that I can enjoy my time away and that I'll get everything done quickly when I get home.

I'll post after I return...probably with pics looking like a lobster... :)

Blessings my friends,

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Starting Line and Letting Go I am...about to start my new adventure.

On May 23, I will be leaving Luverne, AL to at least 4 months of the unknown. I know that for the months of July -September, I'll be doing mission work in my favorite place in the world. British Columbia, Canada.

I'm in the process of raising the funds to go. I've got enough right now to get my passport, plane ticket, and a little to live on, but I've got a good ways to go. I have always hated "asking" for money, but because it is to support missions, the Lord is teaching me to humble myself and allow others the freedom to give if they want to. I am blessed to have support from various families across the world.

So....where am I starting my journey: Prayer and Letting Go

As I've grown up, my mother has always said, "Morgan, pray for closed doors and open windows." This is literally a phrase that has stuck with me well into my adult life. And God has been faithful to do just that. Every place, job, relationship has had a purpose in my life. Sometimes God closes the door in all of those areas, but it never comes without an open window.

As I approach my open window, I am asking all of you, my sweet friends, to journey with me. I hope that the stories, the challenges, the difficulties as well as the joy and blessings that I will surely experience will somehow bless and encourage you.

I try to be an open book the best I can. I value honesty and transparency. I love nothing more than to get real with people. Sometimes its uncomfortable, but authenticity is always undeniably beautiful with the right spirit. I will try not to sugar coat the rough patches, but always try to point to the Lord.

I love the picture I've posted on this entry...."It's time to let will be ok."
I have a control issue....I like to plan. I like to know exactly what is going to happen. I have at times manipulated the heck out of something to try to get the result I want....but in this season, I have learned to let go. Let go of control. Let go of hurt. Let go of expectation. I recently wrote in my journal that I want everything to flow freely through my hands because they are not MINE to claim. Everything in my life is entrusted to me or gifted to me by God. I am not the creator and I can not control.....well I can..but the end result will be less than what God wanted to do with it.

If there's one thing I've learned in the past year it is that the Lord is with me, behind me, and before me. There's not ONE SINGLE THING, one laugh, or one tear that HE has not shared with me. I'm excited about this sweet season with the Lord and covet your prayers.

Prayer requests:
1. That I will get all moved out of my house in Luverne by the end of this week.
2. That my passport gets processed in timely manner.
3. That I am able to find the best possible fares for my airline tickets.
4. That the Lord will provide the right person to carry out my job after I leave, and in a timely manner.
5. That I finish strong where I am.
6. That during the time between my job ends and I go to Vancouver, that I will get to have some sweet sweet time with family and friends.
7. That I will always be sensitive to who the Lord puts in my path, and see every opportunity as one in which I can minister, whether it be something big or small.
8. That I will guard my heart and mind against Satan as I know He is alive and roaming, seeking an opportunity to destroy that which God has intended.
9. That I will be a good steward of the this season God has gifted me with.
10. That opportunities for ministry in Vancouver will be plentiful
11. That I will daily seek the Lord and experience His very personal love and relationship with me. Always being reminded that He indeed is in control.

I will be updating this more in the days to come. Thank you for following me.

At His feet,