Tuesday, July 6, 2010

#6. I like me. I love me. I'm worth it.

I've had ALOT of time to think over the past week. To reflect. To mull over...

Today was probably the most beautiful day I've ever experienced. The weather was in the 70's. Every one here was saying it was hot, but for those in the south...think of the absolute most gorgeous spring day. That's what it was like with a nice breeze coming off the water. This afternoon I went to the park with my summer family. They had these nice comfortable chairs and I sat and journaled for awhile and people watched. Hundreds of parents and children. It was perfect.

One of the things I'm most blessed with this summer is to live with an incredible family. They have supported, encouraged, and challenged me for the past 8 years. Today at one point Haupi was sitting in the chair next to me and he asked me to catch him up to speed on everything, so I did....and he asked me a few simple questions:

1. What have you learned about God?
2. What have you learned about yourself?
3. What have you learned about the church?

I think these are good questions to visit from time to time.

I want to focus on the second one. What have I learned about myself. Well...that was the question that choked me up. And it choked me up because it saddened me that I have lived 29 years not accepting or believing my answer. Because what I learned is that...I like me. I love me. And I'm worth it.

So often we settle in life because we don't value OURSELVES. Sometimes there are those of us that think...Well..there are prettier, more talented, creative, capable people out there so I better just go for status quo. We do this in relationships, jobs, friendships, you name it.

But over the past few months, the Lord has really been speaking to my heart. I am so thankful now to FEEL that I am beautiful, creative, talented, and capable. There is always going to be someone out there that is better in some or all areas, but I am ME. There is no other Morgan like me. I am a catch. I am a great worker. I am a good friend. It doesn't mean that I don't have faults or I don't mess up. It doesn't make me conceited. Because what I've learned is that if I don't know who I am.....I'll let other people define it for me. And that's where the trouble comes in.

I see so many women AND men do this on a daily basis. It breaks my heart. Circumstances change. Bad things do happen to good people. And often we get knocked off our rocker because the security of WHO we are in Christ and who we believe HIM to be gets skewed.

I'm sure there are going to be days when this new understanding is challenged. I'm sure there are going to be days when I'm tempted to believe lies about myself, but I'm experiencing joy instead of happiness. And honestly...I'd love to reside in the midst of joy.

Recently a lady shared a verse with me that has come to mean alot to me:

"ARISE [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you--rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!" Isaiah 60:1 (Amplified Version)

It is my prayer that I will be the kind of woman that people look at and say.."Wow...she is radiant with the glory of the Lord"....

I hope you like you. Love you. and know that you're worth it.


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